東京熱 n0280 カンフー♀シゴキ中出し大返討
“The Slave for Desire”
Maki Ninomiya
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
– 二宮真紀 –
The minor offense such as the public nuisance and the underwear thief has increased while an increase in the crime is remarkable, too. It is heard that the sales of crime prevention goods such as crime prevention buzzers are increased in order to defend the body by one self. MAKI NINOMIYA is a beautiful office lady who has attractive fair compact body. MAKI acquires the Karate by the opportunity to encounter damage of public nuisance. Such a masculine MAKI is an obedient employee in the company to the superior’s instruction. MAKI receives cruel treatment as a sexual desire processing slave after she having been played with a body by the bosses.
凶悪事件の増加が目立っている一方で痴漢や下着泥棒等の軽犯罪も増えています。自分の身は自分で守る必要があると防犯ブザーにスタンガン等のグッズも売れていると聞きます。 色白のコンパクトボディが魅力的な二宮真紀は美人OL。痴漢の被害に遭った事がきっかけで空手を習得します。そんな男勝りの真紀も会社では上司の命令には従順な一介のOL。 鬼畜上司達に身体を弄ばれた挙句性欲処理奴隷として酷い扱いを受けます。
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