Tokyo Hot n0271 A Wreck of Idol – Megumi Ishikawa


東京熱 n0271 グラドル転落輪カン精液塗レ死
“A Wreck of Idol”
Megumi Ishikawa
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 石川めぐみ –

It is only the limited the number of years that people can play an active part in the sports such as exercises or the sprint including martial arts such as the boxing. It cannot be in the active parts when the body becomes weak with the age. A similar thing applies to the gravure idol. The expiration date is only several years for them. It is the very important strategies that how they break between those days and become the talent and the actress, etc. MEGUMI who decorated on a lot of gravures and has healed men is a gravure idol in a popular height. She has already thought about the following development with the manager in the office. MEGUMI who wants to change over to the actress will work in the cabaret club in which the person related to the television gathers a lot. MEGUMI expected to conduct a sales campaign there, but she is requested the devil play. Please enjoy pitiful appearance of MEGUMI who is teased by many brute.

ボクシング等の格闘技を始めスポーツでは活躍出来るのは限られた年数だけです。年齢と共に体力が衰えると現役ではいられません。 同様の事がグラビアアイドルにもあてはまり、彼女達の場合賞味期限はほんの数年。その間にどのようにしてタレントや女優等に脱皮を図るかが重要な戦略になります。 これまで数多くのグラビアを飾り男達を癒してきた石川めぐみは人気絶頂のグラビアアイドル。既に事務所のマネージャーと共に次の展開を考えています。 女優に転身したい石川はテレビ関係者が多く集まるキャバクラで働くことに。 そこで自分を売り込むはずが番組のレギュラーを餌に鬼畜プレイを強行されます。大勢に嬲り廻される石川の哀れな姿を楽しんで下さい。

Download Tokyo Hot n0271 A Wreck of Idol – Megumi Ishikawa

Tokyo Hot n0285 The 30 Cum Shooter – Hitomi Nishikawa


東京熱 n0285 限界輪カン鬼中出し30連発
“The 30 cum shooter”
Hitomi Nishikawa
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 西川ひとみ –

It is not limited to the animal and the same thing also in the human society that man fights mutually to get the slut. If it is the super slut, the fight is keener. The fight breaks out between fans though the nymph HITOMI NISHIKAWA is the housemaid idols who hold a lot of fans. HITOMI is delighted to see the appearances of men who are scrambling for herself. However, it was a scary trap of the TOKYO HOT style said the thorough bully while she relaxed one’s guard against feelings of goodness. Is NISHIKAWA faintly and ego a collapse by the continuous 30 vaginal cum shot of angry waves??

メスを得るためオス同士が争うのは動物に限らず人間社会でも同じ事。それが極上のメスともなれば争いはさらに熾烈です。 炉利系美少女・西川ひとみは多くのファンを抱えるメイドアイドルですがファンの間で争いが勃発。西川は自分を取り合う男達の姿を見て御満悦。 しかしそれは良い気分にさせ油断した隙に徹底的にヤッてしまおうという東熱流の怖い罠でした。怒涛の連続30発の生カン中出しに西川は息も絶え絶え自我崩壊か!?

Download Tokyo Hot n0285 The 30 Cum Shooter – Hitomi Nishikawa

Tokyo Hot n0284 The Insult – Chizuru Yokokawa


東京熱 n0284 スレンダー崩壊黒黄連合輪カン
“The Insult”
Chizuru Yokokawa
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 横川ちづる –

Even if the bullied child changes school and an unpopular person put on expensive clothes, child is still bullied and popularity doesn’t go out after all. It is very difficult to change circumstances. CHIZURU YOKOKAWA of office lady is an owner with slender limbs and attractive beauty leg. There is the dark past insulted by superiors in the background though she changed her job this time. However, CHIZURU is insulted after all by the office that changed her job. The foreigner’s cannon cock act to the pussy that greatly opened. Please enjoy the sublime insulting.

いじめられっ子が転校してもいじめられたりモテない人が高価なブランド物の服を着てもやっぱりモテなかったり。自分の境遇を変える事はなかなか出来ません。 OLの横川ちづるはスレンダーな肢体と魅力的な美脚の持ち主。今回転職しましたがその背景には黒人の上司達に廻された暗い過去が・・・。 しかし転職した先でもやっぱり廻されてしまいます。黒人のデカマラで大きく拡げられたオマンコに容赦無い連続生カン!壮絶な陵辱が展開。

Download Tokyo Hot n0284 The Insult – Chizuru Yokokawa

Tokyo Hot n0281 Mission in Pussy – Asami Niikura

東京熱 n0281 大量自白強要汁膣穴注入
“Mission in Pussy”
Asami Niikura
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 新倉麻美 –

It is necessary to always set up an antenna to the trend and so on of consumer needs and the society so that the enterprise may continue earnings. It is more important to know the trend of the rival enterprise and huge man power and the capital have been spent to obtain the information. ASAMI NIIKURA is beautiful office lady who drifts the erotic pheromone. ASAMI performs espionage to offer information of the own company to the boyfriend working in the rival company in the back. However, she is suspected and the spirit and the body are driven in to the breaking point by the received cruel villainy torture.

企業が収益を持続するには消費者のニーズや社会の動向等に常にアンテナを張る必要があります。さらにライバル企業の動向を知る事も重要でその情報を得るため大きな労力と資金を費やしています。 エロいフェロモンが漂う新倉麻美は美人OL。ライバル会社に勤務する彼氏に自社の情報を提供するスパイ活動を裏で行っています。 しかし嫌疑をかけられ受けた極悪非道な拷問で精神と肉体を極限状態まで追い込まれていきます。

Download Tokyo Hot n0281 Mission in Pussy – Asami Niikura

Tokyo Hot n0283 The Semen Flash – Aya Nishikawa


東京熱 n0283 女子アナ輪カン汐留汚濁汁
“The Semen Flash”
Aya Nishikawa
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 西川彩 –

The things that admission to a school by unfair means and get a job through connections are never disappear. Though feelings are understood, it is oneself that has a hard time after all when coming in the place far apart from ability. Slender beautiful slut AYA NISHIKAWA is a new announcer of the TOKYO HOT Television. Ability shortage is clear though she was possible to become an announcer because of backup of the director of a bureau. Additionally, there is a large happening while live broadcasting. Electric wave Jack is done by the burglar who intrudes into to the studio and AYA is fucked by all members in the bureau after all. Please enjoy the appearance that new slut announcer is insulted and reduced to the meat urinal.

裏口入学にコネ入社。気持ちは分かりますが実力とかけ離れた所に入ってしまうと結局苦労するのは自分自身です。スレンダー美人の西川彩は東熱テレビの新人アナウンサー。 局長のバックアップでアナウンサーになれたものの実力不足は明らか。おまけに生放送中に大ハプニング。スタジオに乱入した強盗に電波ジャックされ彩は成り行きで局内の全員に廻されるハメに。 女子アナが陵辱され肉便器へと成り下がる様子をお楽しみ下さい。

Download Tokyo Hot n0283 The Semen Flash – Aya Nishikawa

Tokyo Hot n0282 The Storm of Semen – Tomomi Nonomura


東京熱 n0282 洗礼業界汁鬼輪カン札の辻
“The storm of semen”
Tomomi Nonomura
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 野々村智美 –

The work of advertising agency is hard. However, the salary is high and the entrusted work is big if becoming major and it is a popular occupation. TOMOMI NONOMURA who looks like a model and in attractive smile is a talented girl at a famous women’s university that works part-time as major advertising agency “TOKYO HOT”. However, TOMOMI made a lot of mistake in the work and is frequent scolded by the superior. Therefore, the training of specialty of the company will be taken. It is body insult education as TOKYO HOT style. TOMOMI is played abruptly by all staffs of company and the ego collapses.

広告代理店の仕事はハードです。とはいえ大手ともなれば給料は高く任される仕事も大きいので人気の職業です。 モデルかと思うほどのルックスで笑顔が魅力的な野々村智美は大手広告代理店「TOKYO-HOT」でバイトする有名女子大の才媛。 ですが、仕事のミスが多く上司に叱られることもしばしば。そのため会社名物の研修を受けることに。それは東熱流肉体陵辱教育。 社内全員にやられまくられ自我が崩壊していきます。

Download Tokyo Hot n0282 The Storm of Semen – Tomomi Nonomura

Tokyo Hot n0309 The Lewd Slut Dentist – Seiko Kitajima

Tokyo Hot n0309 The Lewd Slut Dentist - Seiko Kitajima

東京熱 n0309 セレブ粉砕!羽交締鬼輪カン
“The Lewd Slut Dentist”
Seiko Kitajima
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

— 北嶋聖子 —

It is the position, honor, and money. The woman who has money seems to depend and the tendency to be strong though the woman requests various the one from a man. SEIKO KITAJIMA who emits erotic pheromone from the lascivious pupil is beautiful woman dentist. A slender fair body and the beauty leg are attractive. She is just interesting in the rich man and she does not examine for the poor ignore the patients who come for the dentist. However, the anger of patients who raged at the SEIKO’s attitude that saucily and revolts a man explodes. It abducted SEIKO in the hospital and make fuck until go to crazy. The fact only of not money the necessity for the woman who is so conceited in spite of an impertinent meat slave with a fool but cock was inculcated. 

地位、名誉、金。女は男に対して色々なものを求めますが金を持っている女はよりその傾向が強いようです。スケベそうな瞳からエロフェロモンを放つ北嶋聖子は美人歯科医。 色白のスレンダーな肉体と美脚が魅力的です。金持ちの男以外は眼中に無く診察に来る貧乏な患者達など相手にしません。 しかし聖子の生意気で男を不快にする態度に激怒した患者達の怒りが爆発。病院内に拉致して気が狂うまで輪カン。 馬鹿で生意気な肉奴隷のくせにお高くとまる女に必要なのはお金ではなくチンポだけという事実を教え込んでやりました。

Download Tokyo Hot n0309 The Lewd Slut Dentist – Seiko Kitajima

Tokyo Hot n0304 The Credulous Slut – Michiko Chiba


東京熱 n0304 極悪四方八方汁嵐50発
“The Credulous Slut”
Michiko Chiba
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 千葉美智子 –

The person taken in by the swindle and the solicitation, etc. is caught to the same way many times. It might be a character that the learning ability is lacked and cannot be refused. MICHIKO CHIBA called again because she seemed to be cheated many times though a slender body was attractive. Michiko sits down uneasily and appeals to have been cheated when taking a picture last time. It is pretended to calm such MICHIKO and insult bullies her. Semen is poured on a delicate body by the non-stop and even washes and drop it doesn’t permit and continuous fucking is given. MICHIKO who had been made by the total 49 semen disintegrated the spirit and fell low to a meat slave.

詐欺やキャッチセールス等で騙される人は同じ手口に何度も引っかかります。学習能力が欠如している上に断れない性格なのでしょう。 彼女系の千葉美智子はスレンダーボディが魅力的ですが何度も騙されそうなので再び強制的に呼び出しました。美智子は不安そうに座り込み前回撮影時騙されたと訴えます。 そんな美智子を宥める振りをして陵辱。華奢な肉体にノンストップでザーメンを浴びせ掛け洗い落とす事さえ許さず連続生カン強行!50発以上のザーメンで汚された美智子は精神が崩壊し汚らしい肉奴隷に成り果てました。

Download Tokyo Hot n0304 The Credulous Slut – Michiko Chiba

Tokyo Hot n0303 The Meat Urinal – Noa Tsugawa

Tokyo Hot n0303 The Meat Urinal - Noa Tsugawa

東京熱 n0303 口内強制19発鬼中出し死
“The Meat Urinal”
Noa Tsugawa
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

— 津川夢叶 —

People who do not have the motivation are not few though it is not the first time. Only such a person loves money though there might not be devotion for anything. NOA TUSGAWA is the beautiful woman who has the attractive body of preeminence style and beauty leg. Though NOA loves money and receives the interview of the part-time job by fascinating to the reward of high priced, the content of work is not understood at all. We gave the damage that tore up the body of NOA who laughed without feeling of strain to pieces, and could never stand up.  

今に始まったことではありませんがやる気のない人達は少なくありません。何事に対しても執着が無いのでしょうがそんな人に限ってお金が大好きだったりします。 津川夢叶はスタイル抜群の肢体と長い脚が魅力的な美脚美人。お金が大好きで高額なバイト代に引かれバイトの面接を受けますが仕事の内容を全く把握していません。 緊張感無くヘラヘラと笑う夢叶の肉体をズタズタに引き裂き二度と立ち上がれないダメージを与えてやりました。

Download Tokyo Hot n0303 The Meat Urinal – Noa Tsugawa

H0930 Ki240404 – Nana Motohara


本原奈々 29歳 – エッチな0930
Age 29 years old
Tall 158cm
3 Sizes 82/71/88
Type Married
Movie 00:54:00

年齢 29歳
身長 158cm
3サイズ 82/71/88
タイプ ミセス系
動画 00:54:00

[期間限定公開中 公開より一週間 DLお忘れなく]激しいフェラと激しい腰つきが特長的な奈々さん! 旦那さんが羨ましくなるほどのテクニックにハメ師も骨抜き!? でも実際は夜の生活はご無沙汰なようで、今日でたっぷり解消して帰りましょう!!

Download H0930 Ki240404 – Nana Motohara
