Tokyo Hot n0312 Ai Tanaka Again – Ai Tanaka

Tokyo Hot n0312 Ai Tanaka Again - Ai Tanaka

東京熱 n0312 田中愛強制連行カン汁納め
“Ai Tanaka again”
Ai Tanaka
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

— 田中愛 —

It is fate that the popular talent or actress is run after to not only the mass communication but also an enthusiastic fan. A former talent who lives stealthily is not a little either. AI TANAKA of popular actress is an owner of slender leg in a perfect body of a preeminent style. Furthermore, though AI is lascivious and she is a woman without the weak point to criticize, she got out of shape by a repeated vaginal cum shot & fuck and disappeared. However, AI is found by the villainy scout Mr. Kimura and she is brought back. We succeeded to drag out AI who refuses appearance decidedly before a camera by a promise that it is the last. The brutal people rage when it may already make what be the last and drive recklessly very much. It looks down AI by terrible insulting thoroughly and made her to be scattered at the end by a tragic appearance. 

人気のあるタレントや女優等はマスコミだけでなく熱狂的なファンにも追い掛け回されるのが宿命です。人目を避けて暮らす元タレントも少なくありません。 人気女優の田中愛はスタイル抜群の完璧ボディに美脚の持ち主。おまけにスケベと非の打ち所の無い女ですが度重なる生カン中出しで体調を崩し行方をくらましていました。 しかし極悪スカウトマン・木村に見つかり無理矢理連れ戻されます。出演を断固拒否する愛をこれが最後という約束でカメラの前に引きずり出す事に成功。 もう最後だから何をしてもいいとばかりに鬼畜達は荒れ狂い大暴走。酷い陵辱で徹底的に貶め最後に無残な姿で散ってもらいました。


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