Tokyo Hot n0252 The Meat Slave – Tomomi Harada

Tokyo Hot n0252 The Meat Slave - Tomomi Harada

東京熱 n0252 高飛車美人教師精液轟沈
“The Meat Slave”
Tomomi Harada
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
File size: 729MB

– 原田友美 –

Various harassments as sexual harassment & powerful harassment becomes a problem in these days. A man does sexual harassment to a woman, the boss calls a subordinate the incompetence and a teacher torments a student, the harassment strides at various places such as a school, office. Beautiful female teacher TOMOMI HARADA also abuses students of the class every day. TOMOMI makes a fool thoroughly. However, TOMOMI is partial to a specific student on the other hand. The student’s father is helping a large sum of money for TOMONI. It is natural that the punished by Heaven falls to a terrible woman unworthy of such a clergyman. A slender body is insulted and a current evil doing is liquidated.

セクハラ、パワハラ等様々なハラスメントが問題になっています。男性が女性に性的な嫌がらせをしたり上司が部下を無能呼ばわりしたりさらには教師が生徒を苛めたりハラスメントは学校、 職場等色々な場所で横行。美人教師の原田友美もクラスの生徒達を毎日罵倒。徹底的に馬鹿にします。しかし一方で特定の生徒をえこひいき。 その生徒の父親に多額のお金を援助してもらっているためです。 そんな聖職者に有るまじきとんでもない女には天罰が下って当然。スレンダーな肉体を陵辱しこれまでの悪行を清算させます。

Download Tokyo Hot n0252 The Meat Slave – Tomomi Harada

Tokyo Hot n0251 Tokyo Hot Academy – Nanami Hanasaki

Tokyo Hot n0251 Tokyo Hot Academy - Nanami Hanasaki

東京熱 n0251 陵辱学園最悪の流し込み
“TOKYO HOT academy”
Nanami Hanasaki
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
File size: 740MB

– 華咲菜々美 –

A recent falling birthrate casts a shadow to the education business. There are a lot of cram school discontinuing its business and schools closed down without it being gathered students. The individual school is going to overcome competition of the student acquisition to intensify by appealing for each expertise as the rate of going on to school is high, sports are strong, strong in finding employment and so on. It is a free school tradition that TOKYO HOT academy has appealed up to now completely. It is gradually admitted and the number also of entrance aspirants increases every year. The cadet teacher NANAMI HANASAKI who is serious with neatness and has ambition becomes the teacher comes to such TOKYO HOT academy. However, NANAMI finds no words in students who attend the class nakedly. Students who are very interesting in body of pure NANAMI take off her clothes immediately and enjoy her body as like as they want. The sorrowful shout of NANAMI is a sound extending to the classroom and cruel play starts.

昨今の少子化は教育産業に暗い影を落としています。生徒を集められず廃業する学習塾や廃校になる学校も少なくありません。個々の学校は進学率が高い、スポーツが強い、 就職に強い等それぞれの得意分野をアピールする事で激化する生徒獲得の競争に打ち勝とうとしています。東熱学院がこれまで全面的にアピールしてきたのは自由な校風。 それが次第に認められ入学志望者も年々増加しています。そんな東熱学院に教師志望の清楚で真面目な教育実習生・華咲菜々美がやって来ます。しかし裸で授業を受ける生徒達に菜々美は絶句。 清純な女教師の肉体に興味津々の生徒達は早速菜々美の服を引ん剥きやりたい放題。教室に菜々美の悲痛な叫びが響き渡り非道な女犯が始まります。

Download Tokyo Hot n0251 Tokyo Hot Academy – Nanami Hanasaki

Tokyo Hot n0812 Insult of Superfine – Yurika Miyaji


東京熱 n0812
“Insult of Superfine”
Yurika Miyaji
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
File size: 3.44GB

– 宮地由梨香 –

The semen slave of full of masochist element was captured. No matter where it may see from, it is a neat beauty young lady YURIKA MIYAJI. She should have lived a happy life without knowing the underworlds really, but it was a beginning of misfortune to have been deceived. Let’s have her give up in case of self-responsibility. It is made to drink up the bad-smelling semen of men of all things in nature, is rubbed with a dirty-looking cock and she fells to a meat urinal immediately. It is trained thoroughly and is covered with semen! The scene which YURIKA who was poured 46 semen including 10 vaginal cum shot in total into the body rots away to a horrible meat mass is traumatic.


Download Tokyo Hot n0812 Insult of Superfine – Yurika Miyaji

Tokyo Hot n0811 Obedient Meat Toy – Yuri Sato


東京熱 n0811 沙藤ユリ東熱完全破壊姦
“Obedient Meat Toy”
Yuri Sato
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
File size: 3.12GB

– 沙藤ユリ –

Yuri Sato is a submissive lady who has suggestive erotic body has exposed the silliness. She has leaking piss when hard stroking her womb with cramp the whole body. A total of 20 shots sperm to her womb! Around the vaginal orifice has turned to red. Yurifs spirit has destructed by too much insult. She has changed to be a toy body as she wants more cum shot to womb. Yurifs life is mess and her womb as well. Hard play has snatched everything from docile girl Yuri.


Download Tokyo Hot n0811 Obedient Meat Toy – Yuri Sato

Tokyo Hot n0250 The Naughty Confession – Emi Moriguchi

Tokyo Hot n0250 The Naughty Confession - Emi Moriguchi

東京熱 n0250 巨乳美少女生中出し折檻
“The Naughty Confession”
Emi Moriguchi
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
File size: 779MB

– 森口絵美 –

The one of the occupations that all the men want to become once is the teacher of the girls’ school. Teacher’s official power is abused, and school girl makes a detention and do an initial lesson of the sex. The school uniform is tearing up by opearation and fingered by bait the marks of school reports. The devil delusions of not only the fan of TOKYO HOT but also all men are not run out. Such a girl school is a stage this time. EMI MORIGUCHI is a dynamite tits nymph who goes to a famous girl’s school. After school in a certain day, EMI confesses to the loved teacher in the classroom and it seems to become school love story…. However, TOKYO HOT doesn’t permit such as impure association of the teacher and the student. It is the matter of course that severe punishment is given to EMI who commits adultery with the teacher and missed person’s road. Insult play that bullied the innocent body of under development by opearation was full of dreadfulness thoroughly.

男なら誰もが一度はなりたい職業の一つが女子校の教師です。教師の職権を濫用し女子生徒を居残りさせて性の手解き。 内申書の点数を餌に制服を無理矢理引ん剥き乱暴。東熱ファンならずとも鬼畜な妄想は尽きません。 今回はそんな女子校が舞台です。 森口絵美は有名なお嬢様学校に通う巨乳美少女。ある日の放課後教室で大好きな先生に告白しラブストーリー的な展開に…。 しかし教師と生徒の不純な交際など東熱は許しません。先生とカン淫し人の道を踏み外した絵美には厳しい懲罰が与えられて然るべき。 開発途上の初心な肉体が無理矢理犯される陵辱プレイは凄惨を極めました。

Download Tokyo Hot n0250 The Naughty Confession – Emi Moriguchi

Tokyo Hot n0249 The Semen Authentication – Remi Minami

Tokyo Hot n0249 The Semen Authentication - Remi Minami

東京熱 n0249 アナルマンコ無限中出し39連発
“The Semen Authentication”
Reimi Minami
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
File size: 700MB

– 南麗美 –

A lot of posts exist in the company such as business, announcing to public, and administration. The project and the research and development section are especially the one of center of section in the company. Even if the product assembly etc. has been consigned to foreign countries in the manufacturer, the case of R&D is made in domestic mostly. So that the new project and the development of the new product spends a vast fund and is carried out, it is a matter of life and death for a company that information about it leaks out to the outsider. It can get nervous that the information of the new product leaks out to the outsider in the TOKYO HOT Co.,Ltd. where Reimi MINAMI who is receptionist of mini skirt works at. In such one day, Reimi receives the instruction of not passing the acceptance excluding the employee and the customer in order to prepare for a leak of the information. However, employee’s neither face nor name are remembered. Reimi is compelled the way that remembers the feature of the body to mobilize the all hole of the body as mouth, pussy, anus and so on.

営業、広報、総務等一つの企業には沢山の部署が存在します。その中でも企画や研究開発部門は社内の中枢部門の一つでメーカー等では製品組み立て等は海外に委託していても 研究開発は国内で行っている場合がほとんどです。新製品の開発等新規プロジェクトは莫大な資金を投入して実行されるためそれに関する情報が社外に漏れるのは企業にとって死活問題。 ミニスカの美人受付嬢・南麗美が勤める㈱東熱も新製品の情報が社外に漏れることに神経を尖らせています。 そんなある日麗美は情報の漏洩に備えるため社員とお得意様以外は受付を通すなという指示を受けます。しかし社員の顔と名前を覚えられない。麗美は口、マンコ、 アナルと肉穴を総動員し身体の特徴で覚えるやり方を強要されます。酷い陵辱の始まりでした。無軌道な責めで女体の肉穴全てが塞がれる様子は惨いの一言!

Download Tokyo Hot n0249 The Semen Authentication – Remi Minami

Tokyo Hot n0248 The Meat Jar Race Queen – Natsumi Kikuchi

Tokyo Hot n0248 The Meat Jar Race Queen - Natsumi Kikuchi

東京熱 n0248
“The Meat Jar Race Queen”
Natsumi Kikuchi
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
File size: 700MB

– 菊池奈津美 –

The cooperation of a lot of people and a lot of money are necessary for the independent upbringing of RACE QUEEN. Though spent money can be collected if she becomes famous and a lot of fans are acquired, however, the case to lose popularity in the scandal etc. till then is not few. Therefore, it is a scandal of relations between the sexes that the office is especially on edge of the nerve. The belonging office of NATSUMI KIKUCHI who has attractive beauty leg also complete prohibits association with a man. However, it is found by the president when NATSUMI invites a boyfriend to the office and made fuck. The president rages at the act that ruins the hardship of the parties concerned who have supported NATSUMI. To bully a foolish RACE QUEEN who voluntarily lowers commercial value thoroughly and weak-willed by her is made to be regretted through life.

RQを一人前に育てるには多くの人の協力と沢山のお金が掛かります。有名になり多くのファンを獲得すれば掛かったお金も回収できますが、 それまでにスキャンダル等で人気を無くすケースも少なくありません。そのため事務所が特に神経を尖らせているのが男女関係のスキャンダル。 美脚が魅力のRQ・菊池奈津美の所属事務所も男との交際を完全禁止。しかしスケベな奈津美は事務所に彼氏を呼んでエッチしているところを社長に見付かってしまいます。 奈津美を支えてきた関係者の苦労を台無しにする行為に社長は激怒。自ら商品価値を下げる馬鹿なRQを徹底的に甚振り己の意志薄弱を一生後悔させてやります。

Download Tokyo Hot n0248 The Meat Jar Race Queen – Natsumi Kikuchi

Tokyo Hot n0247 Young Couple – Akiho Wakatsuki

Tokyo Hot n0247 Young Couple - Akiho Wakatsuki

東京熱 n0247 教室炉輪カン精液過剰注入
“Young Couple”
Akiho Wakatsuki
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
File size: 695MB

– 若月秋穂 –

An intimate lover wants to be together at all the hours. A young couple is more so. Flirting is happy in above all as long as there is a spare time. AHIHO WAKATSUKI whom the blazer suits well is intimate with the boyfriend today, too. The class ends and the boyfriend caress suddenly the body of AHIHO who tries to return. They start a fucking because nobody is in the classroom. However, it is found to seniors and becomes a fuss. Men who get excited by the half naked body that flushes immediately after fucking drive recklessly. AKIHO who is fucked in vain in front of lover’s collapses mentally and physically.

ラブラブな恋人同士というのは四六時中一緒にいたいものです。若い時は尚更そう。暇さえあればイチャイチャするのが何より楽しいのです。 ブレザーの制服が良く似合う女子校生の若月秋穂は彼氏とラブラブ。授業が終わり帰ろうとする秋穂の身体を彼氏がいきなり愛撫。教室に誰もいないのをいいことにエッチを開始します。 しかし先輩達に見付かり大騒ぎに。エッチ直後で火照る半裸の女体に興奮した男達は暴走。 抵抗虚しく恋人の目の前で男達に輪カンされる責め苦に秋穂は心身共に崩壊していきます。

Download Tokyo Hot n0247 Young Couple – Akiho Wakatsuki

Tokyo Hot n0810 Toilet Paper Girl – Riko Sawada

Tokyo Hot n0801 Toilet Paper Girl - Riko Sawada

東京熱 n0810 澤田りこ東熱流28連騙汁
“Toilet Paper Girl”
Riko Sawada
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
File size: 4.31GB

– 澤田りこ –

It is beautiful tits! It is glabrous pussy! It is quiet character! The pretty girl RIKO SAWADA who is having many prey elements is deceived and is a fall into semen hell. It is pushed an electric massage machine to crotch continuously and labia meat becomes loose. A beautiful lovely pussy disintegrates immediately. The inside of a vagina is rubbed against a dirty cock too much, and mind also disintegrates. Although it was SAWADA of only being worried about pregnancy at first, she emitted lewd word and entreats for vaginal cum shot from itself finally. It is a full change to the abnormal slave who drinks up thick semen and shows a smiling face. Please enjoy the state that a beautiful girl becomes the mass meat which is covered with semen.


Download Tokyo Hot n0810 Toilet Paper Girl – Riko Sawada

Tokyo Hot n0245 The Neighborly Fuck – Eri Nakayama

Tokyo Hot n0245 The Neighborly Fuck - Eri Nakayama

東京熱 n0245 膣肉無惨!押込み攪拌18発
“The Neighborly Fuck”
Eri Nakayama
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
File size: 1.89GB

– 中山恵理 –

A piano sound and child’s voice are annoying, it is not possible to sleep in dog’s cry at night, the trouble with neighbors is the inevitable questions for modern people. There are a lot of cases becoming murder cases lawsuit. ERI NAKAYAMA of a lovely feeling with ox-eyed lives alone in the apartment house and enjoys fucking with the boyfriend in the room every day. However, she pants loudly when she is approaching acme, it arouses neighbors’ anger and she will be played in some day.

ピアノの音や子供の声がうるさい、犬の鳴き声で寝られない、現代人にとって隣人とのトラブルは避けられない問題です。 中には殺人事件等裁判沙汰になるケースも少なくありません。目が大きくて愛らしい感じの中山恵理はマンションで独り暮らし。 毎日部屋で彼氏とエッチを楽しんでいます。しかし感じてくると大きな声で喘ぐためそれがいつしか隣人の怒りを買って廻されるハメに。 小振りな美マンコを無理矢理抉じ開けられた恵理は悲鳴の様な喘ぎ声で絶叫。普段よりも何倍も大きな声で鳴かせ徹底的にイカせました。

Download Tokyo Hot n0245 The Neighborly Fuck – Eri Nakayama
