Tokyo Hot n0236 The Race Queen – Sayuri Kanzaki


東京熱 n0236 爆乳美脚RQ中出し大精液
“The Race Queen”
Sayuri Kanzaki
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 神崎さゆり –

The gratitude for all of the people who are usually taken care of concerned as like a client or a customer is important. The world of a gorgeous Race Queen is also similar. The activity that more close to the fan and the sponsor, etc. is important. A steady activity will connect the truth in the future because of this business is full of ups and downs. SAYURI KANZAKI is a Race Queen of a great popularity. However, there is a present position supported by not her own power but various people. And, it is a turn this time that SAYURI gives a reward. Let’s make people to enjoy much by the offering body of the best without fault as dynamite tit and beauty leg.

どんな仕事にも当てはまりますが取引先や顧客等日頃お世話になっている方々に対する感謝の気持ちが大切です。華やかなRQの世界も同様。 ファンやスポンサーにより密着した活動が重要。浮き沈みの激しい業界だからこそ地道な活動が将来実を結ぶことになるのです。神崎さゆりは人気絶頂のRQ。 しかし自分だけの力ではなく色々な方々に支えられて現在の地位があります。 そして今度は神崎がお礼をする番。巨乳・美脚と申し分の無い極上ボディを皆様に提供し存分に楽しんで頂きましょう。

Download Tokyo Hot n0236 The Race Queen – Sayuri Kanzaki

Tokyo Hot n0234 A Nurse In Semen – Yui Fujikawa


東京熱 n0234 中出しナース精液過剰摂取
“A nurse in semen”
Yui Fujikawa
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 藤川唯 –

The nurse is a person yearned for with the angel in white. The salaries are higher than general female office workers and there is a possibility that it can marry the doctor, too. However, the work is very hard as an irregular holiday, long working hour and stress that come from weight of responsibility keeping people. Therefore, it is heard that the number of nurses is insufficient recently. A long-awaited new figure nurse who has just graduated from the nurses’ school comes though it is one of the hospitals where this TOKYO HOT hospital worries due to nurse shortage, too. The new figure is YUI FUJIKAWA who is slender beautiful woman. Not only the doctor but also in-patients were looking forward to the new figure nurse. The doctor’s nurse education immediately executed and healing to the patient are all TOKYO HOT styles. The body of YUI thoroughly dedicates. The nurse should get to know herself well before receiving the patient.

看護婦は白衣の天使と憧れられる存在です。一般のOLなどと比較すると給与は高く医者と結婚できる可能性もあります。 しかし不定期な休みに長時間勤務さらに人の命を預かる責任の重さから来るストレス等仕事は非常にハード。そのため最近は看護婦の数が足りないと聞きます。 ここ東熱病院も看護婦不足に悩む病院の一つですが、そこに看護学校を卒業して間もない待望の新人看護婦がやって来ます。スレンダー美人の藤川唯です。 医者だけでなく入院患者達も新人看護婦を心待ちにしていました。 早速実行される医者の看護婦教育と患者への癒しは全て東熱流。唯の肉体は徹底的に捧げ尽くされるのです。

Download Tokyo Hot n0234 A Nurse In Semen – Yui Fujikawa

Tokyo Hot n0233 Real Meat Urinal – Yuu Yazawa


東京熱 n0233 女子大生便器長身モデル系
“Real Meat Urinal”
Yuu Yazawa
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 矢沢優 –

How cruel it is!! YUU YAZAWA is such a beauty college woman with tall. Though she looks like foolish but loves the fuck, she is seemed to accept to do anything. The slim and beauty leg is attractively and appearance of Race Queen is suited well, too. YUU is always flirting with the boyfriend. She supposed to enjoy fucking in the love hotel today, there is those who intrude into in the middle of fucking. It was a start of unhappiness of YUU. The body is gnawed at with various liquids after being fucked.

惨い!男達の毒牙に掛かり現役女子大生が陵辱の限りを尽くされます。いくら頭の弱そうな女でもここまでやられると本当に頭が変になるかもしれません。 女子大生は長身美人の矢沢優。エッチ好きで馬鹿そうですが何でもさせてくれそうな感じの女。スラリと伸びた美脚が魅力的でRQの格好も良く似合います。 今日はラブホテルで彼氏とイチャイチャエッチを楽しむはずがエッチの最中に突然の乱入者。優の不幸の始まりでした。輪カンの挙句その肉体を様々な液体で蝕まれます。

Download Tokyo Hot n0233 Real Meat Urinal – Yuu Yazawa

Tokyo Hot n0232 The Saucy Slut – Risako Mamiya


東京熱 n0232 ナマイキRQ中出し折檻乱呼吸
“The Saucy Slut”
Risako Mamiya
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 真宮梨沙子 –

There is no existence from which the provoking in a saucier woman in the world. In addition, she will be out of control with great confidence if she is the beauty model of a preeminent style. The editorial depertment of TOKYO HOT is always thinking that such a joking slut is made to surrender by the cock of anger. The exceptional talent who is just right so that taste matches insulting is brought to the editorial department under the conference. It is RISAKO MAMIYA of a saucy Race Queen model. It is a start of the insult play that remodeled to a miserable woman who supplicates permission after made saucy woman pant finally.

世の中でナマイキな女ほど腹の立つ存在はいません。それが美人でスタイル抜群のモデルやRQともなればさらに自分に自信たっぷりで手が付けられません。 そんなふざけた女を怒りの鉄拳ならぬ怒りの肉棒でハメ倒して屈服させる事を四六時中考えているのが東熱出版編集部です。 そんな中会議中の編集部に屈辱を味合わせるにはもってこいの逸材が連れて来られます。 ナマイキRQモデルの真宮梨沙子です。ナマイキ女をヒイヒイと喘がせた挙句許しを請う情けない一匹のメスに改造する陵辱プレイの始まりです。

Download Tokyo Hot n0232 The Saucy Slut – Risako Mamiya

Tokyo Hot n0238 A Reader Model – Kyoko Takigawa


東京熱 n0238 素人読者モデル残虐汁餌食
“A Reader Model”
Kyoko Takigawa
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 滝川京子 –

KYOKO TAKIGAWA is a slender beautiful woman who floats adult amorousness from the whole body. KYOKO sometimes does the model of the magazine though she is a student normally. However, she is not only been exposed nakedness in the presence of others but also not appeared in the Adult Video. My endurance soup begins to blot more than usual in the best model’s appearance. It starts from an easy interview and progresses to cruel villainy play at dash. Staffs who get excited insult her intently at the end.

木村の毒牙にカカッタ滝川京子は普段は学生で読者モデル、スレンダーで抜群のスタイルは超極上。それに加えてAV出演はおろか人前で裸を晒したこともないド素人。 極上モデルの登場に私の我慢汁もいつもの数倍滲み出しています。 最初は簡単なインタビューから始まり一気に酷い極悪プレイへ。最後は興奮したスタッフ達がひたすら陵辱します。

Download Tokyo Hot n0238 A Reader Model – Kyoko Takigawa

Tokyo Hot n0293 The Foolish College Slut – Hiromi Yoshizawa


東京熱 n0293 アホ馬鹿女子大生鬼汁天誅
“The Foolish College Slut”
Hiromi Yoshizawa
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 吉澤ひろみ –

The number of job offer is increasing tendencies along with good of a recent corporate performance. It is heard that the prime firm has expanded the adoption frame to finding employment that was the narrow gate of the college woman. HIROMI YOSHIZAWA of cute college girl loves lewdness and seems foolish slut. Her target is career woman. There is limit to know her place. It will affect negatively in the future of Japan if it is leaving such bottomless foolish woman. Her body is made a mock by insulting of TOKYO HOT and disgrace damage was given to the mind and body.

昨今の企業業績の好調に伴い求人数も増加傾向。狭き門だった女子大生の就職にも優良企業が採用枠を広げていると聞きます。 キュートな現役女子大生の吉澤ひろみはエッチ大好きで何にも考えて無い馬鹿っぽい雰囲気の女。目標は何とキャリアウーマン。 身の程知らずにも程があります。こんな底無しの馬鹿女を放置しておくのは日本の将来に悪影響。東京熱の陵辱で女体を嬲り者にして心身に屈辱的なダメージを与えてやりました。

Download Tokyo Hot n0293 The Foolish College Slut – Hiromi Yoshizawa

Tokyo Hot n0292 The Pitiful Cabin Attendant – Kyoko Takigawa


東京熱 n0292 上玉CAナマ輪カン精液逆噴射
“The Pitiful Cabin Attendant”
Kyoko Takigawa
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 滝川京子 –

The number of wicked doctors who made a patient sleep with medicine and go into mischief, and sell the trader the image of the group medical examination which is taken by hide camera has increased. It may be said that it is a serious thing to find the reliable doctor with a reliable arm. KYOKO TAKIGAWA is cabin attendant in active service. She is slender and an owner with the body of a preeminent style. Though she is looked after the decayed tooth with the dentist introduced by the captain but there is an unexpected villainy hospital. The hell that the body was devoured after pussy was thoroughly bullied waited on the pretext of medical treatment.

患者を薬で眠らせて悪戯したり盗撮した集団検診の映像を業者に売ったりする悪徳医師が増えています。確かな腕を持った信頼出来る医者を見つけるのは大変な事だと言えるでしょう。 滝川京子は現役CA。スレンダーでスタイル抜群の極上ボディの持ち主。機長に紹介された歯科医に虫歯を診てもらいますがそこはとんでもない極悪病院。 治療と称してオマンコを徹底的に穿り回された末肉体を貪り尽されるという地獄が待っていました。

Download Tokyo Hot n0292 The Pitiful Cabin Attendant – Kyoko Takigawa

Tokyo Hot n0239 Young Slut – Rina Takagi


東京熱 n0239 汁壷巨乳肉オブジェ
“Young Slut”
Rina Takagi
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 高樹梨奈 –

It is common things that the make-up suddenly becomes showy and going out at night for pleasure increases when a serious schoolgirl begins to associate with a man. RINA TAKAGI of the dynamite tits schoolgirl begins also to associate with the boyfriend and her clothes became showy. Not only the skirt of the uniform shortens suddenly but also tattoo is put in the left arm and the waist as it is said by the boyfriend. However, school regulations of her school are anyway strict and many students have received the expulsion from school in the past. RINA whom clothes turned into suddenly is called by the teacher. RINA is at a teacher’s beck due to escape the expulsion from school. RINA who turns into meat slave is trifled by devil teachers.

真面目な女子校生が男と付き合い始め突然化粧が派手になったり夜遊びが多くなったりするのはよくあります。巨乳女子校生の高樹梨奈も彼氏と付き合い始め服装が派手に。 制服のスカートがいきなり短くなっただけでなく彼氏に言われるまま左腕と腰にタトゥーも入れます。しかし梨奈の学校は校則がとにかく厳しい。 突然服装が変わった梨奈は先生に呼び出され退学を免れるため教師の言いなりに。肉奴隷と化した梨奈は鬼畜教師達に貪り尽くされるのです。

Download Tokyo Hot n0239 Young Slut – Rina Takagi

Tokyo Hot n0310 The Slut Ranch – Izumi Mori

Tokyo Hot n0310 The Slut Ranch - Izumi Mori

東京熱 n0310 3穴輪カン直腸直撃流し込み
“The Slut Ranch”
Izumi Mori
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

— 杜泉 —

It is the Young, preeminent style and beautiful. There is the woman whom anyone envies in the world. IZUMI MORI is a fashion model. A noteworthy level is high and also has money as well. A lovely voice to feel the gap with beauty is one of the charms. TOKYO HOT cannot leave such a perfect slut. It immediately abducts and insults her. Devils who get excited by the super excellent body drive recklessly greatly. IZUMI ejaculates to disgrace play from which not only the pussy but also undeveloped anal is made a meat tool. Please enjoy the miserable appearance transfigured to an ugly appearance which is covered with semen and joy juice after first class model having been ransacked three hole of pussy, mouth and anal abruptly.  

若くて美人でスタイル抜群。誰もが羨む女が世の中にはいます。杜泉はファッションモデル。注目度も高くお金も持っています。美形とのギャップを感じさせる可愛らしい声も魅力のひとつ。 東京熱がそんな完璧な女を放っておくわけありません。直ぐに拉致して強制陵辱。超A級の女体に興奮した鬼畜達は大暴走。 泉はオマンコだけでなく未開発のアナルまで肉道具にされる屈辱的なプレイに絶叫。一流モデルがオマンコ、口、アナルの3穴を乱暴に掻き回された挙句汁まみれの醜い姿に変貌する凄惨な様子をお楽しみ下さい。

Download Tokyo Hot n0310 The Slut Ranch – Izumi Mori

Tokyo Hot n0300 The Pussy Collapse – Saori Toda


東京熱 n0300 スレンダーCA直入22発膣崩壊
“The Pussy Collapse”
Saori Toda
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

– 戸田さおり –

The case where the contract worker takes charge of the over-the-counter customer service in the travel agent and the bank, etc. tends to become general. The cabin attendant is not an exception. When various talented people gather by the temporary worker frame expansion, it is also true that there is a person that there is no aptitude. The slender beautiful of natural lewd slut SAORI TODA asked the lover and got the employment of cabin attendant. However, flight service is canceled by making a mistake by SAORI. Such irresponsible woman who doesn’t have such a sense of responsibility should be pulled around and made confession, and it is necessary to bury it by cruel play of the TOKYO HOT style.

旅行代理店や銀行等で派遣社員が窓口業務を担当するケースが一般的になる傾向があります。CAも例外ではありません。 派遣枠拡大で多様な人材が集まると中には全く適性の無い者がいるのも事実。根っからスケベのスレンダー系美人・戸田さおりは愛人パパに頼んでCAの職をゲット。 しかし戸田のミスで便が欠航。こんな責任感の無いいい加減な女は引き摺り回して懺悔させ東熱流の非道な女犯で葬り去る必要があります。

Download Tokyo Hot n0300 The Pussy Collapse – Saori Toda
